B.Tech NRI admission (2022-23):- Spot admission is going on for vacant NRI quota seats in various branches. Interested students should appear in person on 15th October 2022, 9:30am with all original certificates.

For more information, contact the admission helpline.

B.Tech NRI admission (2022-23):- Branch wise Waiting List of NRI applicants who reported for counseling on 30/07/2022 is published on 6/08/2022, 10:30 am. [View NRI Waiting-list].

The candidates will be contacted, if a vacancy arises in any branch.

General NRI Rank List Published on 27/07/2022, 4.30pm. [View Rank-list]

B.Tech NRI admission (2022-23) General Rank List Published on 27/07/2022, 4.30pm. [View Rank-list]

Counseling for 2022 NRI Admission will be held on 30/07/2022 (Saturday) at LBSITW, Poojappura. Students in NRI general rank list are advised to report at 10.00am along with original certificates of qualifying examination for admission process.  (Read more….)

The time for receipt of B.tech NRI applications has expired.

The B.Tech (2021-22) NRI Rank List Published on Saturday (07/08/2021, 23:00Hrs.). The NRI Waiting List  published on Monday (09/08/2021, 15:30Hrs.).

Application submission for B.Tech NRI Admission has started online. Application will only be accepted online.

Last Date: 27/07/2022, 4pm  (NRI Notification)

Applicants for NRI quota have to remit Rs. 1000/- as application fee before filling the  application form. (Candidates kindly read the Admission Guidelines carefully.) Link

Next NRI SPOT Admission for the vacant seats in B.Tech will be conducted on 29th October 2020, 11am. (Notification

Applicants for NRI quota have to remit Rs. 1000/- online as application fee before filling the online application form. (Candidates kindly read the Admission Guidelines carefully.) Link

You may have to wait a maximum 24 hours to submit application form after payment of fee. To avoid delay in getting the online application form, Please forward the transaction information in the following WhatsApp number.

Application submission for B. Tech NRI admission will be closed by today (07/08/2021) 5pm (IST). Rank list will be published in the college website on 08/08/2021. After publishing the Rank List, further admission procedure will be communicated through e-mail.

Admission Process

Admission process for NRI seats in B.Tech course can be submitted using online facility provided here. (NRI Admission Portal) A merit list will be prepared on the applications received from eligible students and published on the college website. Number of seats under NRI quota – 5% of the total intake in each branch is reserved as NRI quota.

Placement Updates

Last Rank Details

Updating data…..

The latest changes after spot admission are included in the list above

Admission Procedure

The B Tech admission procedure for Merit and Management seats are strictly based on the allotment by Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Govt. of Kerala. The Eligibility criteria are as per the KEAM prospectus. For more details visit CEE Kerala website https://cee.kerala.gov.in/

The selection of candidates under NRI quota is based on the rank list prepared by the college. The admission procedure, criteria for eligibility and selection process are given in the NRI prospectus.

The B.Tech Lateral Entry and M.Tech admissions are based on the allotments by Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala. The eligibility criteria are based on the DTE prospectus only. For more details visit DTE website http://admissions.dtekerala.gov.in/

After completion of final allotment by CEE Kerala, remaining vacant seats will be filled through Spot admission. The details will be published on the college website in due course.

Process of Admission

Details are available in the college brochure approved by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Kerala.

Brochure link