B.Tech in Civil Engineering

B-​Tech pro­gramme in Civil Engi­neer­ing was intro­duced in the col­lege in the year 2012 with an annual intake of 60 stu­dents. The Civil Engi­neer­ing Asso­ci­a­tion “SARGA” was inau­gu­rated in the same year itself. The Asso­ci­a­tion con­ducted sem­i­nar Com­pe­ti­tion, design com­pe­ti­tion, pho­to­graphic com­pe­ti­tion and took part in the Tech­ni­cal Feast “Yagna Dhruva” in the col­lege. The Asso­ci­a­tion also brings out a yearly Tech­ni­cal Mag­a­zine “SPIRE” with the active par­tic­i­pa­tion of fac­ulty and stu­dents of the Civil Engi­neer­ing Department.

Dura­tion of Pro­gram: 4 Years

Seats (First year in take): 60 Students

Seats (Lat­eral entry): 3 Students

CE Objectives

To build up the fun­da­men­tal knowl­edge of math­e­mat­ics and engi­neer­ing in stu­dents and lay down a solid foun­da­tion in civil engineering.

To develop stu­dents pro­fes­sion­ally equip­ping them for a suc­cess­ful civil engineering career.

To impart a research ambi­ence and moti­vate stu­dents to pur­sue advanced edu­ca­tion in civil engi­neer­ing or related field.


To become the pre-​eminent cen­tre for qual­ity edu­ca­tion and advanced research in civil engineering.


To pro­vide rig­or­ous proac­tive train­ing in civil engi­neer­ing equip­ping young women for con­tin­u­ous learn­ing nec­es­sary for pro­fes­sional prac­tice and advanced research.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Our graduated would
  1. Excel as IT professionals in providing solutions to real world problems using contemporary technology with societal considerations and professional ethics.
  2. Possess zeal to pursue higher education and research.
  3. Demonstrate good leadership and interpersonal skills to work in diversified teams on multidisciplinary projects.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

A graduate of the Information Technology  Program will demonstrate:

  1. Develop good problem solving skills and inculcate out of box thinking” to design quality software.
  2. Design communication systems and computing models to provide IT enabled solutions by considering societal needs.