Department of Civil Engineering

B.Tech programme in Civil Engineering was introduced in the college in the year 2012 with an annual intake of 60students. The Civil Engineering Association “SARGA” was inaugurated in the same year itself. The Association conducted seminar Competition, design competition, photographic competition and took part in the Technical Feast “YagnaDhruva” in the college. The Association also brings out a yearly Technical Magazine “SPIRE” with the active participation of faculty and students of the Civil Engineering Department.


To become the pre-​eminent cen­tre for qual­ity edu­ca­tion and advanced research in civil engineering.



To pro­vide rig­or­ous proac­tive train­ing in civil engi­neer­ing equip­ping young women for con­tin­u­ous learn­ing nec­es­sary for pro­fes­sional prac­tice and advanced research.