B.Tech in Computer Science
and Engineering

The Department offers two batches of B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Computer Science and Engineering is highly technical and demanding discipline that offers rewarding and challenging possibilities for the students. It is a broad and flexible degree program with the curriculum specifically designed to reflect the depth and breadth of computer science, which tend to develop strong theoretical and analytical skills. Computer science offers a foundation that permits graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas. The department provides state of the art computing facilities to the students. Graduates from the department are most wanted by both academia and corporates.

Dura­tion of Pro­gram: 4 Years

Seats (First year in take): 120 Students

Seats (Lat­eral entry): 6 Students

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Our graduated would
  1. Excel professionally in the field of Computer Science and Engineering with an aspiration of lifelong learning.
  2. Pursue higher education and research in multidisciplinary domains
  3. Exhibit good leadership qualities, interpersonal skills and ethical values in diversified teams and contribute to societal needs

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

A graduate of the Computer Science and Engineering Program will demonstrate:
  1. Apply mathematical models, software engineering principles and programming paradigms to solve real world problems.
  2. Comprehend various aspects of computer hardware, communication models and security principles for developing computing solutions.