B.Tech in Information Technology

The Department offers one batch of B. Tech in Information Technology(IT). IT and CSE are the disciplines within the same realm of study. Information Technology is an academic discipline mostly dealing with industry oriented learning. It involves more practical that have more “real world” applications such as database management and networking, data querying and more. The department provides state of the art computing facilities to the students. Graduates from the department are most wanted by both academia and corporates.

Dura­tion of Pro­gram: 4 Years

Seats (First year in take): 60 Students

Seats (Lat­eral entry): 3 Students

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Our graduated would
  1. Excel as IT professionals in providing solutions to real world problems using contemporary technology with societal considerations and professional ethics.
  2. Possess zeal to pursue higher education and research.
  3. Demonstrate good leadership and interpersonal skills to work in diversified teams on multidisciplinary projects.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

A graduate of the Information Technology  Program will demonstrate:

  1. Develop good problem solving skills and inculcate out of box thinking” to design quality software.
  2. Design communication systems and computing models to provide IT enabled solutions by considering societal needs.